As we begin our 25th year in 2024, we continue to provide a unique collection of information and educational resources for coaches of Option Football - and those who have to defend it.
Our Members enjoy unlimited access to an extensive collection of library of articles, videos, podcasts and other resources that we've built over our history as the first (and longest-running) Membership-based football coaching web site. Option Central's resource libraries include written material that has been contributed by the football coaching community, instructional videos of various kinds that we licensed from their publishers, and originally-produced "Chalk Talks" and Podcasts.
In recent years, the Option Central video library expanded through our extensive collaboration with one of Option football's most recognized authorities, Coach Tony DeMeo. Our series of Play of the Day Chalk Talk videos and the subsequent production of 10 Triple Gun Virtual Playbook DVDs were followed up with podcasts and a series of CoachTube courses like Attacking the 4-4 Defense - which Coach DeMeo discussed in this video:
In addition to Offense-oriented resources and courses, Option Central Members have access to resources for Defending the Option - including articles, webinar style chalk talks and full length, DVD-Style videos that explain how to defend the option from various defensive schemes.
The Option Central Article Library includes articles provided by Guest Contributors that range from classics from (the first) Ten Years of Option Central to articles submitted in later years. The Option Central Resource Library includes option-focused videos, podcasts, online books and eBooks, along with coaching forms, scouting report templates and other coaching aids that are suitable for use in any Offensive or Defensive system.
An Option Central Membership provides unlimited access to our entire collection of articles, videos, chalk talks, podcasts and other resources.
25 Years of Option Central
Option Central was founded by Coach Mike Schuster in 1999. He wrote a message about the first 10 Years of Option Central
As we celebrated our 20th Anniversary in 2019, we discussed our development since 2009 in the 20 Years of Option Central
As we prepare to celebrate our 25th Anniversary in 2024, we discussed our development since 2019 in the 25 Years of Option Central