The 2nd "10 Years of Option Central" begins
These past couple of years have been eventful for the team at Option Central.
Shortly after joined the CompuSports Network of web sites, we embarked on a site redesign that would enable us to add video and audio resources to our collection of articles, forms and other resources. We also completed the production of an online version of an ebook to commemorate The 10 Years of Option Central, and reconnected with many former Option Central members and contributors with a goal of renewing their association with the Option Central web site.
As you read through these and other news archive pages, the evolution of Option Central should be evident. As always, we welcome your feedback, questions and suggestions.
Rick Bouch rejoins Guest Writer program with new article - Combining the Jet and the (Spread) Option
We're excited to announce the return of Rick Bouch with an article on combining the Jet Sweep and Spread Option. Rick has been coaching football for 20 years, all but one at the high-school level and was an early contributor to Option Central while serving as the Offensive Coordinator at Kane HS in Pennsylvania. Bouch later served at the School's Head Coach.
The first article from Coach Bouch, The Kane H.S. Load Option was recommended by Option Central founder Mike Schuster for inclusion in the 10 Years of Option Central, a compilation of Coach Schuster's favorite articles. The 10 Years of Option Central is available in eBook format in the new Option Central Members Resource section.
Option Central Expands Resource Section with Jerry Campbell's Option on Me DVD and eBook
Option Central's Video Resource section now includes Jerry Campbell's Option on Me video, which along with the full Option on Me eBook is available in their entirety for Option Central Members . Featuring nearly two hours of instruction, this special version of Coach Campbell's Option on Me DVD complements a number of articles on a topic of great interest to Option Central members for a number of years. The eBook, viewable in Adobe PDF format and 50 pages in length, is available in the Option Central Book Library - the second major book addition to the library, following The Trap Option, 40 plus 60, from Larry Beckish.
Coach Jerry Campbell returns to Option Central
Coach Campbell, fresh off a highly successful, Championship Season was one of the original contributors to Option Central, and we're excited to have him back on board. Jerry has provided us with two new articles - A Brief History of Option Football - an excerpt from his book Taking the Option Game to the Next Level, and Pairing Options - an article that discusses a simple system for checking to the best way
Option Central Launches New Web Site Design
Option Central has a new site design that we believe will make the site easier to use for our visitors and members.
With the addition of left column navigation Shortcuts on the Option Central Home Page, we're able to make more information directly accessible. In addition the Shortcuts enable us to more easily expand the free option football content we provide, including such new items as videos and sample articles.
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